Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Social Media IS GLOBAL

The article posted on my twitter account touches on how current events have been publicized by social media sets. Several examples of global issues talked about in the article include: iraqi elections, haiti earthquake, and the struggle between china and The elections in iraq were talked about online and many sites such as facebook, youtube, and twitter had restrictions put on them in areas of Iraq. These censorships placed on social media sites show us just how powerful the world wide web can be. Opinions stated on social networking sites were strong enough to scare leaders of a nation to restrict the viewing of them. Also the article talked about the struggle between google and china. Google has been debating cutting off china’s access to China has always censored the web for citizens of China to increase media control. This control over chinese citizens web access is a very controversial topic because it restricts the human rights of the nation by cutting them of from information.

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