Thursday, September 9, 2010

Epic 2015 and Social Media Revolution

Both of these very popular youtube videos have a similar theme and idea: Social Media is growing rapidly and building up its power. Epic 2015 talks about how social media sites will progress and build up. The video predicts voice broadcasting through radio/ podcast networks. This type of communication will allow people to automatically know where others are and what activities are going on. I don't think that this will happen. Realistically I think that most people are simply too used to and comfortable with texting and tweeting to alert others of going ons. The other video, Social Media Revolution, went through the progression of social media sites and how they became so HUGE. One statistic that stuck with me was that it took almost thirteen years for television to get fifty million users, facebook on the other hand had over fifty million users in nine months! More statistics showed other sites, applications, and programs growing even more rapidly. Newer sites become popular much faster as time goes on and people better understand social media.

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