Thursday, September 30, 2010

Old Spice Commercial

The famous old spice commercial. This video includes many special effects and edits that I don't really understand. The video starts with what is probably a simple screen background with a shower on the set. Next we see the legs move towards either side of the screen. This must mean that for the first clip because his legs are only shown at the end they must just be blocked out. Then the screen changes and you see his legs moving along with his entire body. A lot of the movement in the video seem to be real staged actions. Like the rolling log in the water and the breaking tub at the end. You can see the log continuously spinning after he walks off of it and the creases from the breaking tub are visible after the water flows of the sides. I don't think that this old spice commercial or any of the others in this series have very complicated special effects. They probably just require a lot of materials and filming space to complete the actions of walking and movement throughout the videos. Very entertaining videos that are enjoyable to watch because of their humor and abrupt changes and effects.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Video Project

Paddy Caldwell and Mac Fisher

Video Project

Topic- Nordic Training

Footage- Training (jumps, rollerskiing, strength)

When- We will shoot during training and moch training situations

Camera- gopro hd, panesonic hs20

We are showing the nordi life in all its glory

Audio- music, and dialogue from shots

Possible original photos

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Winter Skiing Schedule

Here is the recent posting of the 2010-2011 NENSA eastern cup series schedule. Looks like a sweet winter!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ps 101

Epic 2015 and Social Media Revolution

Both of these very popular youtube videos have a similar theme and idea: Social Media is growing rapidly and building up its power. Epic 2015 talks about how social media sites will progress and build up. The video predicts voice broadcasting through radio/ podcast networks. This type of communication will allow people to automatically know where others are and what activities are going on. I don't think that this will happen. Realistically I think that most people are simply too used to and comfortable with texting and tweeting to alert others of going ons. The other video, Social Media Revolution, went through the progression of social media sites and how they became so HUGE. One statistic that stuck with me was that it took almost thirteen years for television to get fifty million users, facebook on the other hand had over fifty million users in nine months! More statistics showed other sites, applications, and programs growing even more rapidly. Newer sites become popular much faster as time goes on and people better understand social media.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Social Media IS GLOBAL

The article posted on my twitter account touches on how current events have been publicized by social media sets. Several examples of global issues talked about in the article include: iraqi elections, haiti earthquake, and the struggle between china and The elections in iraq were talked about online and many sites such as facebook, youtube, and twitter had restrictions put on them in areas of Iraq. These censorships placed on social media sites show us just how powerful the world wide web can be. Opinions stated on social networking sites were strong enough to scare leaders of a nation to restrict the viewing of them. Also the article talked about the struggle between google and china. Google has been debating cutting off china’s access to China has always censored the web for citizens of China to increase media control. This control over chinese citizens web access is a very controversial topic because it restricts the human rights of the nation by cutting them of from information.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Real Examples of SocMed Helping Businesses

In this article we see six real life examples of business owners using Social Media sites to try and boost customer numbers. This shows us how socmed sites can be so useful. If someone can search for reviews or find a great place to have breakfast and to go shopping then these sites are being used well. It is possible however to take the sites too seriously and let them become too big a part of your life. I can see myself disappearing into these sites and never coming out again. But I know that that would be a waste of my time. I think that if used to help express oneself and show the public something then it is worth using sites like fb, twitter, blogs, and many others. Now in the time of constant internet access and all the time technology we have to be careful to maintain our own personal "in the flesh" selves from becoming completely computer obsessed..