Thursday, October 21, 2010

Internet Safety

The Facebook Internet Safety lecture that we heard earlier this week gave us the common themes that nothing on the internet can be deleted and that caution should always be used online. Deleting anything online is virtually impossible. Whenever one tries to delete posts of facebook or other online social networking sites the file will not be fully deleted. Deleting undesirable posts from the sites will be helpful in the process of hiding things, but this process takes a long time. After you delete something it will slowly disappear after years of other files pilling up to hide the presence of the unwanted file. Being on Facebook or other social networking sites was not discouraged by the presenter, however, he warned us of the consequences of miss using the sites. The most common negative effects that he mentioned were: loss of jobs, applying for colleges, getting sponsors, and applying for work. If someone like a college administrator, job administrator, or a sponsor representative wants to find out about you they can look into your past uses on social networking websites. This makes me question whether or not these websites are worth participating in. If their is something negative posted about me (like a picture) or something that I post that I later regret this could hurt me reputation permanently. Having a permanent stain on my record like that could hurt my life opportunities greatly as we become more and more plugged into the internet in life.

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